Vapour UK

Thursday 10 September 2015

Juice review: The Notebook by Black Note, Part 2

It's been a while now since I wrote Part 1 of this review of The Notebook from Black Note. Back then I had only tried half of the juices in the box and I guess I kind of promised to do the rest as well, and maybe pick a personal favourite. Trying out the last 4 juices has been just as time consuming as the first 4, cause these are just as hard to put down. You simply don't want to re-wick your atty and go for a new one until you're sure there is absolutely no hope of getting another drop of juice out of the one you're on.

So... the juices. As in Part 1, I'm not going to go too much into the details but I'll try to give you a few words and an idea what the juices taste like.

Delicious, fire-cured virginia tobacco. This is a Cavendish blend, which means using some special process (I'm not an expert on tobacco) to bring out the natural sweetness of the tobacco. This has made this juice sweet but not too sweet, although it is one of the sweeter ones in this range. Loads of flavour. Pretty close to the taste of cigarettes without smoke. One I would recommend for smokers wanting something that truly tastes tobacco.

Great, super-smooth mint on top of virginia tobacco. The tobacco is in the background but that's totally ok when the mint-flavour is as good as this one. I don't really know why but I've not tasted that many menthol/tobacco blends. Might be because I didn't really care for menthols when I was smoking either, but this one is really good.

Very smooth and pretty sweet Virgina tobacco flavour, apparently based on tobacco grown in Italy. Even at 60 watts on a Hellfire dripper this one is pretty smooth and easy to vape. Very natural and authentic tobacco flavour. An all day vape for me, and I bet this one will be the favourite for many.

A perique blend it says on the bottle. Also a quite sweet one and with fruity undertones. Maybe some hints of nuts as well. Pretty complex with a bunch of flavour. Fantastic juice that kind of saves some surprises for you, which it releases in tiny portions depending on what else you put in your mouth. Try this one with coffee... then try it with a beer ... and then some wine or just sparkling water.

Now, picking a favourite among these juices is not really easy. Almost impossible I'd say, so I'll pick 2, but I won't recommend you go buy them if you haven't tried Black Note juices before. What I'd recommend is to buy The Notebook and pick your own favourite. These are all fantastic juices, and I'm pretty sure that if I just tried one of them, any one, I'd say it's one of the best tobacco juices out there. I'd be in danger of just buying more of that one and then I'd be missing out on all the others. But anyway, I said I'd pick 2 favourites, so ... if I could only pick 2 of these again it would have to be (drum roll) Solo and Prelude. Mainly because I think those are the one's I'd use the most, but I'd still miss the Bravura for my morning coffee and the Legato when I go hunting or fishing, and probably the others just as much for other occasions or just variation. The guys at Black Note have really created something special here. Don't miss it!

UPDATE: Black Note can now be bought at this side of the pond as well, from


  • All my reviews are my honest opinion even if I am affiliated with the company manufacturing or selling the product. 
  • The juice was sent to me free of charge for the purpose of this review.
  • This review contains affiliate links.

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